Rebecca "Becky" Donaldson Katsopolis (played by Lori Loughlin) is the sarcastic wife of Jesse, sister-in law of Danny and Pam, aunt to D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle, mother to Nicky and Alex, and co-host on "Wake Up, San Francisco!", of which she was later a producer, making Danny jealous. She is introduced in the 2nd season and is from a small town of Valentine, Nebraska where she was raised on a farm. It's assumed she comes from a big family as many different family members are mentioned throughout the series, with very few mentioned more than once. She's previously worked as a talk show host for "A.M. Omaha" for two years before being offered the job on "Wake Up, San Francisco." Becky is often seen as the girls' mother figure, and she and D.J. are close. Whenever a "girl" issues comes up, Becky volunteers to take care of it for Danny. She and Jesse get married after about 2 years of dating. The two of them move out of Becky's apartment and into the attic of the Tanner house and later learn in season 5 that they are having twins. Becky gives birth later on in the season to identical twin boys, Nicky and Alex.
Nicky and Alex Katsopolis (played by Blake and Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit) are the identical twin sons to Jesse and Becky, nephews to Danny and Pam, and cousins to D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle. They were born on Michelle's fifth birthday. It's unknown which one of them is the oldest or how far apart they are. Jesse and Becky each got to pick a name for one of them. Jesse picked Nicholas after his father for giving him great hair and Becky picked Alexander after a professor of hers that inspired her to go into journalism. Everyone sings "Happy birthday" to Michelle and the twins and that's when the names Nicky and Alex are first used. When the twins are first brought home, Jesse has a hard time telling them apart. By the show's end, they are toddlers and are about 3 years old. Both of them have long blond hair that Jesse treasures and refuses to have cut. Nicky and Alex originally was played by Dylan and Cole Sprouse during the sixth season.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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