Danny" Tanner (played by Bob Saget) is the father of D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle, brother-in-law to Jesse and Becky, uncle to Nicky and Alex and best friend of Joey Gladstone. Danny is left widowed after Pam is killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver and is left to raise his three young daughters. Knowing he can't do it alone, he first sought his mother's aid for three months until Danny has Joey and Jesse move in to help him out. Danny is a generally cheerful guy, always willing to give anybody a hug that needs it. He's also a neat freak, always wanting everything to be tidy (except in Season 1, when they even have an episode devoted to the house being messy and all three men's mothers come to clean the house) and is very talkative. He sees himself as the "raddest" dad ever to which his daughters disagree to after embarrassing them when he declares himself that out loud. He is the co-host of "Wake Up, San Francisco!" along with Becky. Before becoming a talk show host, Danny worked as a sportscaster throughout Season 1 until the second episode of Season 2. Danny can be overprotective of his daughters and hates seeing them grow up so fast, which also led him became close to his young nephews Nicky and Alex. He was at first afraid of dating after his wife died, but ended up giving in, having various relationships throughout the show. While Rebecca was on maternity leave, Danny fell in love with his temporary co-host, Vicky Larson (Gail Edwards). The two of them dated for awhile and eventually became engaged. Danny proposed to her in the episode "The House Meets The Mouse: Part 2", by a firework asking Vicky to marry him. Unfortunately, the engagement was later broken off when Vicky accepted a news-casting job in New York. Danny was depressed for a little while after this, but soon bounced back. Above all, he is a very loving father and does whatever he can for his daughters.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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